In 2012, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)* adopted the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration.  The document details the organization’s commitment to protecting human rights in Southeast Asia; however, it has been strongly criticized by non-governmental organizations (e.g. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch), as well as by the UN Commissioner for Human Rights.  Although the document outlines many protected civil, political, social, and economic rights, critics claim that it fails to include several important freedoms, including freedom of association and freedom from enforced disappearances.

*The Association of Southeast Asian Nations was founded in 1967.  It is comprised of ten countries and promotes political, economic, and sociocultural integration among countries in Asia.

Flags of ASEAN member states in Jakarta, Indonesia (via Wikimedia Commons)

Flags of ASEAN member states in Jakarta, Indonesia (via Wikimedia Commons)